Owl, The poetry maker

Owl, The poetry maker
Si Owl penyair ruh jiwa puisi

Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

O The Prophet

by : Alfaqih Warsono

You, the prophet
the greatest one of the others
your heart's full of mercy to the young
your heart's full of honor to the old
You're Ahmad, a name of praising man
You're Muhammad, a name of praised man
I, the follower of your conducts

O, you, the prophet
my love's eager to gain your perfectness,
I'd like to reach your way of life
I'd like to imitate the whole sunnah of yours
I'd like to be the best follower of yours
I'd like to love you best
My great hope's I always love you

O, the prophet
Your name, I always mention in my soul
No one could be my best idol
only you one
Every day I do shalawat for you
I believe you will do prayer for me
more than I do for you

O, prophet
Please allow me reach your syafa'at in hereafter
as an aid to save me from your God's anger
from the flaming hell
I'm sincerely afraid of Allah's punishment
That's why I follow your action to worship Him

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